Friday, May 17, 2024

Debunking Common Dental Myths Circulating on Social Media

Have you ever tried using chewing gum to replace your toothbrush? Or have you been tempted to try DIY teeth-straightening or teeth-whitening techniques? Myths about dentistry have a way of infiltrating our lives, as misleading information frequently spreads like wildfire on social media. However, amid the abundance of tips and opinions on social media platforms, it's critical to discern fact from fiction, particularly when maintaining dental health.

General Dentistry in Bridgeport TX

As a cornerstone of general dentistry in Bridgeport TX, and beyond, let's take a journey to dispel some of the most hilarious dental myths that have gained traction in the digital age.

Whitening Toothpaste is all you need for a Bright Smile

Despite the temptation of the quick fix, depending simply on whitening toothpaste to get a dazzling smile is akin to expecting a single ingredient to prepare a gourmet dish. While it might help with surface stain removal, comprehensive general dentistry is what creates a truly bright smile. More significant and long-lasting teeth-whitening outcomes are achieved with professional treatments customized to your unique needs by dental professionals.

Natural Remedies are Just as Effective as Dental Treatments 

Claims that natural remedies like oil pulling, charcoal toothpaste, and lemon juice can successfully substitute for dental procedures are shared on social media. However, there is not much evidence to back up the efficacy and safety of these treatments. Relying exclusively on natural remedies may worsen dental conditions; thus, seeking expert evaluation and treatment from qualified dental specialists is necessary.

You Can Straighten your Teeth with DIY Methods

DIY teeth-straightening techniques, such as DIY braces kits and rubber bands, have acquired appeal on social media. However, correcting your teeth without professional help can result in significant consequences. DIY techniques can cause lasting harm to the gums, teeth, structure, and bones. Orthodontic treatment must be carefully planned, monitored, and adjusted by a skilled orthodontist to get safe and successful results.

You Only Need to see a Dentist in Cases of Dental Pain

Delaying dental visits until you are in discomfort could result in costly outcomes. Frequent dental checkups from reliable practices like Wise Dental allow for the early discovery of issues like gum disease, oral cancer, and cavities, enabling quick intervention and treatment. Therefore, prevention is always better than cure, especially regarding oral health.


Don't allow myths to control your dental regimen. Use evidence-based strategies to get a healthy, dazzling smile that lasts a lifetime. Remember that consulting an accredited dental practitioner, such as Wise Dental, is the best approach to ensuring you get accurate information and tailored care for your smile.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Dental Crown For Children-When and Why They Might be Necessary

Dental crowns are one of the most effective and reliable restorative options in the dental arena. However, it is essential to understand that dental crowns aren't just associated with adults; they are increasingly prevalent in pediatric dentistry. Dental crowns in children are a common dental treatment aimed at preserving the integrity and health of the teeth. Parents can visit a trusted dentist for crown treatment for teeth in Bridgeport, TX, to ensure the optimal oral health of their children as a priority. But before that, parents must understand why and when dental crowns are necessary for children to maintain oral health. Let's discover more about it.

Crown Treatment For Teeth

Aesthetic Consideration

One of the most common reasons to get your child's dental crown treatment at Wise Dental is the aesthetic aspect beyond functionality. Dental crowns greatly impact a child's confidence and self-esteem. Dental crowns, when crafted to blend in with natural teeth, offer a smooth smile that improves a child's social skills and general health.

Fractured Teeth

Children's natural curiosity about exploring keeps them from sitting still. Because of this, their active lifestyle and daring fun occasionally result in mishaps that break teeth. To guarantee your child's continued oral health and functionality, dental crown treatment in Bridgeport TX, offers a dependable means of safeguarding and strengthening their broken teeth. 

Severe Tooth Decay

Modern eating patterns, the use of sugary foods, and different dietary and oral hygiene practices can cause toothaches in children at an early age. Therefore, dental crowns provide a reliable solution to treat severe decay and restore the structure and function of the afflicted tooth.

Protection for Weak Teeth

Some children may present with structurally compromised or weak teeth, which require dental crowns to reinforce and protect the weak teeth. This is where crowns work as a protective element to strengthen the vulnerable teeth and prevent further damage.


Dental crowns for children play a significant role in preserving oral health and promoting overall well-being. With dental professionals' dedication and expertise at Wise Dental, children can access top-notch dental care, empowering them to enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Monday, October 2, 2023

4 Dental Emergency Scenarios to See a Dentist

There is an old saying from war: "Prepare yourself before an enemy strike."

Now replace "enemy" with "dental emergencies." These situations often happen unexpectedly, leaving you in a panic. If not treated within hours, they could escalate into more severe issues requiring surgical intervention.

At Wise Dental, our experts strongly recommend knowing how to handle dental emergencies and, once you have control over the situation, promptly visit a dentist in any of the following situations.

Broken Or Knocked-Out Teeth

Broken teeth or a broken crown can occur for various reasons, whether sports injuries or accidents. When a tooth is knocked out or broken, time is of the essence. The tooth can be fixed after receiving emergency dental care within 2 hours. 

However, if immediate dental care is not sought, you may require a new tooth replacement. Therefore, if you break your tooth, the first thing to do is clean it and place it in a cup filled with salted water. It will help preserve the tooth until you can seek emergency restoration from an emergency dentist in Bridgeport.

Sharp And Consistent Tooth Pain

A sharp toothache can result from various causes, including tooth decay, tooth infection, gum disease, or even a dental abscess. It's important to consult your dentist promptly to determine the underlying issue and receive appropriate treatment. 

In the meantime, over-the-counter painkillers can help alleviate the discomfort. Don't hesitate to contact us at Wise Dental as soon as possible for expert care.

Loose Or Broken Braces

When your braces become loose or break, it's an emergency and calls for an immediate appointment with your orthodontist.

Braces apply gradual pressure to your teeth, moving them into their desired positions over time. Suppose a component of your braces falls off or becomes loose and isn't promptly repaired. In that case, your teeth may start shifting back to their original positions, disrupting the progress of your orthodontic treatment and prolonging the overall treatment duration.

Cover the loose wire end with a piece of gauze or a small cotton ball as a temporary solution. However, it's essential to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist for proper repairs to prevent any setbacks in your treatment.

Bleeding After Dental Surgery

Bleeding following dental surgery, such as wisdom tooth extractions or implant placements, is common. However, if the bleeding persists for an extended period, you should schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist. Specifically, applying simple pressure with a wet, rolled gauze pad over the extraction site for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour will stop the bleeding before you reach the clinic.

Wrapping up

The bottom line is swift action during dental emergencies is required to minimize pain and the risk of surgical interventions. We advise using over-the-counter painkillers until you visit Wise Dental, an emergency dentist in Bridgeport, TX. Please get in touch with us promptly for dental emergencies, and avoid eating during toothaches or emergencies. Your timely response greatly impacts your dental well-being.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Reasons General Dentistry is Important to your Health

General dentistry involves various dental services provided by your dentist to optimize your oral health. Professional experts of general dentistry in Texas say that general dentistry is overlooked by people; however, it could lead to multiple health risks. In this post, we will throw light at some of the reasons why general dentistry is extremely important for your overall health.

  • Routine Dental Care 

If a dentist offering general dentistry in Bridgeport, TX, you will be advised to go for cleanings and check-ups every 6 months. It is applicable to not just grown-ups, but kids and teenagers as well. Your oral health will be examined to see if there are any signs of gum disease or cavities. The dentist may also need X-rays once a year to determine whether or not the tooth structure is fine. This becomes important because there are times when deeply rooted dental problems are not visible.

  • To prevent serious health problems 

General dentistry is important to keep at bay serious health problems arising due to ignored oral health and general dentistry. You must know that the bacteria in your mouth don’t just cause damage to your oral health, but also to your overall health. Experts of general dentistry in Texas say that the bacteria in your mouth could lead to cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, endocarditis, childbirth and pregnancy related many other problems.

You must know that many problems cavities, gingivitis (gum disease) and infection can get treated in early stages. You can avoid severe health problems and invasive treatments if you visit a general dentistry expert from time to time.

  •  Prevent tooth decay 

General dentistry is equally important for children. It is important to prevent tooth decay. Experts of general dentistry in Texas use fissure sealants and fluoride varnish to protect and strengthen the teeth of your children. When you take your child for general dentistry, it helps alleviate the need of extensive treatment at later stages.

  • Teeth Straightening 

Teenagers can get self-conscious because of their teeth in their teens and experts of general dentistry in Texas, recommend teeth straightening. It is one of the best and safe orthodontic treatment methods.

  • Wide array of options for old people 

General dentistry also offers a wide range of options to old people. This includes dentures, bridges and dental implants. These are pretty effective ways to bring their chewing and biting problems to an end. 

For more information related to general dentistry in Texas, feel free to get in touch with us.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Fair Reasons To Choose Root Canal Over Tooth Extraction

Tooth problems cause real discomfort and hurt to a different level. If you are suffering from a tooth infection, the pain and discomfort might be unbearable. During such times, many people get so tempted to get rid of the pain that they would consider extracting the tooth altogether. While extraction could certainly eliminate the pain, there are some substantial drawbacks of a missing tooth. Patients who resort to the extraction of an infected tooth usually fear root canals, which is a potential procedure that will help alleviate pain while saving your natural tooth. According to a dentist in Bridgeport, root canals are often dreaded and hence avoided due to the anticipation of pain. However, a root canal is the most effective and safe procedure to treat an infected tooth. If you are considering tooth extraction over root canal, then here are a few facts that you need to know that might change your mind for greater good.

Drawbacks of Tooth Extraction

When you choose tooth extraction, there are a lot of dental problems that will follow eventually because of the missing tooth. The adjacent teeth will eventually shift towards the gap created due to extracted tooth. This can cause teeth crowding and misalignment which makes maintaining oral hygiene difficult. Patients with missing teeth suffer from aesthetic and functional threats and they are also at a greater risk of bite issues and gum disease. Jawbone loss is also a potential risk due to missing teeth as the underlying bone is less stimulated. 

Why Should You Choose Root Canal Over Tooth Extraction?

If your dentist advises you root canal for effectively treating your infected tooth and save it from removal, you shall confidently opt for the treatment. Root canal is a time-tested endodontic procedure that is proven effective to eliminate the infected pulp inside the tooth root. This is where the tooth nerves also reside which explains why the procedure is a bit painful. Once the infection is removed and the root canals are thoroughly sterilised, the tooth is filled to prevent it from future infection. After that, a custom crown is placed on the teeth to restore the strength of the teeth.

With today’s modern sedation dentistry and anesthetics, the root canal procedure is no more painful/uncomfortable. The best part is that the root canal procedure can effectively alleviate your pain and provide you relief. Moreover with root canal therapy, unlike tooth extraction, patients won’t have to worry about future dental issues. 

When you have an option of getting a root canal or extracting your tooth, it is always best to save your natural tooth through the root canal procedure as nothing functions like your original teeth. 

If you are dreading root canal procedure, you are not alone. Due to the misconception revolving around root canal treatment, a lot of people feel anxious with the thought of getting root canal treatment. However, it is a common procedure and our expert endodontist will ensure that you feel at ease during the procedure. Our team is committed to providing emphatic and excellent care to our patients. There is no good reason for you to suffer from pain due to infection when you could simply get rid of it while restoring the health of your natural tooth.

For an extensive consultation regarding your root canal treatment, feel free to touch base with our clinic for cosmetic dentistry as well as general dentistry in Texas. We will be more than happy to restore your smile.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Cosmetic Magic That Can Help You Smile Gracefully

 Everyone wants to look young and vibrant at every age or their life. If you are looking to reduce the visible aging effects by taking the help of a cosmetic dentist Bridgeport, you can surely get your smile back with a more youthful appearance.

Like other parts of the body, even our teeth and gums need to be taken care of and even they get affected by aging. Even if you have taken care of your teeth, with age the teeth will still naturally wear out from lifetime biting or chewing food. The attractive shine of young teeth might start getting yellowish later in life. No matter how hard you try, there is no other way to turn back the clock. You will have to visit the dentist in Bridgeport to get back your youthful smile. There are many cosmetic procedures available today with modern techniques that are minimally invasive and affordable. If your teeth have worn out or broken the dentist can sharpen the edges or reshape without even giving anesthesia but for heavily worn teeth, you may need to go for veneers or crowns that can cover the teeth.

Yellowing teeth or staining can respond well to teeth whitening by using a bleach solution. You can maintain your teeth this way for a couple of years and will restore brightness with occasional touchups. Dental bonding can also help for discolorations. Orthodontist in Bridgeport uses these techniques to restore the youthful smile, so do not discount on the regular visits due to any reason. Brushing and flossing are the most important healthy habits to keep your teeth clean. This will also help you look beautiful. 

With proper care and little cosmetic magic by the cosmetic dentist Bridgeport, you can definitely get an attractive smile with a beautiful look throughout your life. If you need to find out more information on improving your smile or cosmetic surgery, please contact us or schedule an appointment for an initial consultation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Planning for Wisdom Tooth Removal? Read On!

Getting your wisdom teeth extracted is a cumbersome ritual that tends to happen with the coming of wisdom age. Wisdom teeth are humble third molars that show up between the age of 17-25. A majority of us have to deal with wisdom teeth popping up at some point in our teenage or early twenties. According to AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons), approximately 85 percent of the wisdom teeth need to be extracted eventually. If you are reading this, chances are that you are looking forward to the wisdom teeth removal procedure and are looking forward to some insights about wisdom teeth. Let’s get down to some important facts about the wisdom teeth extraction procedure.

Wisdom teeth removal procedure is completely safe

Is it really painful? - This is the first question that pops up in the mind of the person looking forward to getting it extracted. Well, to your relief, no it is not a painful procedure and you do not need to panic about it. Consult any Bridgeport dentist and you will know that it is just a normal dental procedure which is nor unsafe neither time consuming. Having wisdom teeth is different for every case but in the majority of the cases, your dentist will recommend getting it removed as a preventive measure. The procedure is performed with a local anaesthetic or sedation so that you do not feel pain as the teeth are removed. You can expect the procedure to be completed in a matter of just a few minutes.

Get your wisdom teeth removed early

The development of wisdom teeth could lead to many oral health problems, especially if it gets impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth happens when one or more of your wisdom teeth are stuck against another tooth or jaw bone, leaving no space for them to grow in your mouth. This leads to the growth of the wisdom teeth in an improper direction, leading to decay and growth of bacteria in the surrounding areas. It is better suggested to get your wisdom teeth removed early when it is not even fully developed from its roots. Usually, teenage is the right time to get it extracted.

Do not wait for symptoms to appear

Problems do not always come with an early indication. The absence of pain in your wisdom tooth is not a good reason to ignore it. In many cases, the growth of wisdom teeth could lead to cavities, infection, damage to the nearby teeth, and also tumours. If not paid attention to, it could lead to problems related to the kidney and heart. So, it is better suggested to visit a cosmetic dentist in Bridgeport and leave it to the professional whether or not it needs to be extracted. Stop avoiding the problem and consider visiting your dentist for a proper diagnosis.

Post extraction period could be fun

You will be prescribed a few medicines for quick recovery and a few follow up sessions. But what’s exciting is you will be advised to treat yourself with liquids and cold foods like smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, and soft diet to avoid discomfort in the treated area.

If you have any further queries about wisdom tooth extraction, feel free to drop us a line or book your consultation with us.